About Us
The Optimum Patent Office Consultancy Limited Company was established in 2003 to provide consultancy and attorney services. Our aim is to create sufficient knowledge and awareness to the public and entrepreneurs about intellectual and industrial property rights in Turkey.
The OPTIMUM Patent Office Consulting Limited provides consulting and attorney services to individuals and companies in the following areas:
Patent Registration
Utility Model Registration
Trademark Registration
Industrial Design Registration
Geographical Indication Registration
Protection and Monitoring Related to Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
Consultancy and Follow-up on Legal Issues
Although the intellectual and industrial property law in Turkey dates back to the Ottoman period, it was not applied vigorously until 1995 and there had not been an awareness regarding the protection of such rights did not develop. A modern legal basis for intellectual and industrial property rights was established by following legislations enacted in 1995:
Decree Law No. 551 on the protection of patent rights
Decree Law No. 554 on the protection of industrial designs
Decree Law No. 555 on the protection of geographical indications
Decree Law No. 556 on the protection of trademarks and
Law No. 4128 on penalties to be applied.
The Industrial Property Law No. 6769, which was published in the official gazette on January 10, 2017, terminated the period of Decree Laws has and provided a stronger legal ground.
Despite significant improvements in recent years, the registration system is still not known to all entrepreneurs. Many inventors do not apply for registration, either because they do not believe that they will be adequately protected, or they think that the invention is not worth patenting or because they are not aware of it at all.
We, a private company acting as an attorney before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Agency, and other patent offices like us provide information about the subject through seminars and meetings in organizations such as associations, foundations, and show the existence of the need and the ways of protection and perform the registration process when deemed necessary.