EPC National Validation
Turkey is included in the European Patent system and European Patents can be validated in Turkey if desired. EPC National Validation filings are one of the most preferred way of patent registrations in Turkey. Turkey validation can be done in two ways.
- Publication of claims of a European Patent Application and
- Publication of a fascicule of a European Patent
European Patent applicants can enter Turkey with a request of publication of claims for pending applications or they can ensure the expansion of the registration in Turkey through national validation within 3 months from the publication of the grant of the registration in the European Patent Bulletin.
Necessary documents:
- European Patent Cover page
- Turkish translation of Description
- Turkish translation of Claims
- Turkish translation of Abstract
- Figures(if occurres)
- A simply signed power of attorney is sufficient
International applicants prefer the European Patent validation method for their patent entry into Turkey. Every year, approximately 10,000 European Patent grants are applied for national validation in Turkey. This amount has been increasing over the years.
Once a national validation application is made in Turkey, European patents continue to be valid by making annual renewals like other national patents. Registrants have to pay a renewal fee every year by looking at the application date.
Renewals can be paid from the first day of the year to which the renewal belongs, until the anniversary of the application date of that year. If this date is missed, a 6-month penalty renewal period begins. If a patent renewal fee is not paid during the regular and penalty period, it becomes lapsed.
After the patent becomes invalid due to non-payment of renewal fee, the applicant or his/her representative is notified. Within two months from the date of notification, the registrant can have the patent revived by paying a penalty and the unpaid renewal fee. If this period is missed too, there is nothing left to do.
Contact us for further questions about National validation of European Patents.
Turkish validation of B2 or B3 amendments of European Patents